This is what we do

Our mission is to enable a healthy, innovative, empowered and a just society for all

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Empowering hope

Our work creates lasting change

Join us in a collective journey of compassion and impact as we work hand in hand, transforming lives

Sustainable Health Initiatives

Health Promotion

We empower individuals and families through comprehensive health services, fostering resilience, dignity, and positive community impact for a brighter future

  • Maternal health programs
  • Combination prevention of HIV/AID interventions, i.e. HC, HCBF, FMP, SS, etc.
  • Prevention with Positives (PwP)
  • Treatment, care and support of most at risk populations (MARPs)
  • HIV Testing and Counseling
Empowering Sustainable Livelihoods

Livelihood Programs

We provide a range of programs aimed at creating sustainable, positive impacts in communities. Our initiatives include economic empowerment, comprehensive education programs, agricultural activities and environmental sustainability.

  • Economic empowerment to boost financial resilience
  • Education programs to improve access, retention and completion rates
  • Agricultural activities through kitchen and communal gardens to promote food security
  • Environmental sustainability
Promoting Gender Justice

Human Rights Advocacy

We champion a range of initiatives to promote social justice and gender equality. Our programs include advocating for women and children's rights, preventing abuse and gender-based violence, amplifying young voices for gender equality, and ensuring access to justice for all.

  • Women and children’s rights advocacy
  • Prevention against abuse and gender-based violence
  • Gendering the young voices/addressing gender equality
  • Access to justice
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