Support of vulnerable households on care
A family with five children physically disabled need support
A family with five children physically disabled need support

Mobilize Community to Support Vulnerable Families

In one of the routine community households visits, DEVLINK social worker attached to Gembe ward came across a dire need in one of the households which had been newly enrolled in the program. Sonia Atieno Odero, who is 3 years, lives with his grandfather who is aged and diabetics.

Her grandmother is equally aged and mentally challenged. Sonia mother who is the only child of her grandparents dropped out of school in class six as a result of pregnancy and lack of school levies. She is currently working as a house help in a remote village far away from her parent place.

Sonia was detached from the love and care of her mother and grandparents due to the abject poverty the family is facing. The house they live in is dilapidated to the point that it poses as a security risk to their lives. We found how the grandparent were sleeping on the floor. The CHV showed DEVLINK staff a mosquito net that was hanging in a nearby bush as their covering beddings. Just not long ago, her grandmother brought to attention how thieves easily found their way to the house and took some of the items that they had been assisted with by a Good Samaritan.

Informed by these challenges, the social worker sought the intervention of the local chief. The chief managed to summon the LAAC members where the social worker presented the case of SONIA ATIENO. It was latter agreed by the LAAC members to conduct a home visit to the Kodero homestead and verify for themselves the said state of the household.


Healthcare Promotion, Education


